Demand for web marketing services is booming but you’re not designers – you’re engineers. So why not earn commission on referrals to the IT Marketing Factory safe in the knowledge that your client is not going to a competitor.
Recommend our services
Web design, email marketing, SEO, e-commerce, newsletters, social media, blog management.
Earn 10% commission
On-going revenue on the business you refer. We pay you when your clients pay us.
Add value to IT contracts
Allows access to new services. Web marketing may not be your thing but we love it!
How does it work?
Ad hoc projects such as websites (including e-commerce), email marketing templates and copy writing services qualify for a one-off commission payment which is made to you the month your client settles his invoice.
Monthly contracted services such as email marketing accounts and monthly newsletters qualify for a monthly commission payment for the first 12 months following signature of a customer contract.
How do you get with the programme?
To join the Partner Programme, please complete the registration form in the right hand sidebar of this page. If you wish to actively promote our services on your site, we can also assist with relevant banners and imagery. Please ask for more details.